Who to complain to about fares?
On 6 Dec, 11:59, wrote:
But according to the NRE website, the WLL doesn't do OP returns
either, the only price given is an Anytime ticket at £1.50 single or
£3.00 return. *So why can I get an OP return from Fleet but not an SOP
return? *I can obviously buy a ticket where Fleet-CJn is priced as an
OP return and CJn-SB as Anytime, but not a combined SOP/Anytime
SWT seems to have only created SOP fares for journeys within its own
network as far as I can tell.
(also there's no such thing as a "combined" ticket. Every fare between
every pair of stations is set individually, usually by the "lead
operator" for that route)