TfL 2009 fares leaflet
On Dec 8, 8:47*pm, Chris Hills wrote:
On 08/12/08 13:33, wrote:
Simple - if it makes TfL/LU more money then its not seen as a problem.
I do not understand the logic. When exiting at a station with barriers,
it should be obvious to the system that a touch out preceeded by a touch
in are part of the same journey. When it comes to stations with no
barriers however, it seems that you will get charged for 2 unresolved
There should not be many stations without barriers. The majority
without are DLR stations which have standalone pads. However, these
are often very badly placed.
At Greenwich it's still possible (although a new pad seems to have
been added it's still badly placed) to leave the front of the train
and head for the station exit without passing any Oyster pad. There's
no barriers or pads at the main exit and it's a long way back, even if
you knew where the pad was. There should be one by the wall at the
tunnel end of the DLR platform.