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Old December 9th 03, 02:47 PM posted to uk.politics.misc,uk.transport,
Conor Conor is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Jul 2003
Posts: 80
Default New M6 Toll road opens,road for fools ?

In article ,
On Tue, 09 Dec 2003 13:37:47 +0000, Diversity Isn't A Codeword For
Anti-White wrote:

I totally agree! on TalkRadio this morning there was a debate about this new
toll road and most callers supported it! I thought you bunch of morons! Only
a small amount of the road tax we pay gets spent on the roads, the rest is
stolen and wasted by other government departments. There lies the ****ing
problem! why on earth anybody thinks we should have to pay an extra tax to
use a new road that should ALREADY be funded by our road tax I do not know.

Plenty of people are happy (well- 'uncomplaining' might be a better word)
about the dozens of prior examples of similar 'pay to drive' facilities:

Severn Bridge x2
Humber Bridge
Dartford crossings
Mersey crossings

People are complaining about the Humber Bridge. The people mainly using
it are those going to Grimsby. It's so popular, the traffic figures
have never met estimates and its in record debt.


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