Public Telephones In Underground System?
On Dec 11, 8:18*pm, Bill Borland wrote:
In article, Dave writes
Hello all, I'm putting together a collection of payphones in london
(and later on around the world). The payphones are each ocompanied by
a picture and a telephone number.
Now, I seem to remember a while ago, seeing payphones at platforms on
deep level underground stations. I had a quick look trough some
piccadilly and bakerloo line stations. But found nothing!
Would anyone know where there would still be a public telephone on the
underground network? If possible, in zone 1 at platform level? Also,
if you know of any payphones situated in unusual places I'd like to
The site is situated at anyones
Many thanks for any help,
Can't help with the underground, but my local NR station (Bromley
South) has telephones on each of its two island platforms - one
just stuck on a pillar, two others in crude shelters.
Straying further ... what happened to the phonecard payphones on
trains? I remember them on the Norwich line in the 1980s but I don't
know when they were removed. Maybe it was a very brief experiment or
just got overtaken by the use of mobiles. (Phonecards were a ripoff
because they always took one more unit that you intended to use, so I
was glad to see them go.)