Smartcard readers at stations in Hampshire/Dorset?
"Mizter T" wrote in message
Indeed - unless one could 'pick-up' a season ticket ordered online or
by phone by touching on the validator, or perhaps (ala Oyster) extend
a journey beyond the limits of the season ticket held. It would be
great if a straightforward pay-as-you-go functionality (again ala
Oyster) were to be implemented, but there are undeniably issues of
doing so on a network that has many ungated stations where it might be
As I've suggested before it isn't just the gating question - the main issue
with PAYG on a large network with maximum peak single fares priced
approaching £50, is what amount does a prepay user need on his card, and
what initial deduction does the system make, comparable with TfL's £4.00
'entry charge'?
All those who think joint ITSO/Oyster prepay can be simply 'switched on' on
mainline TOCs please explain...
Paul S