Smartcard readers at stations in Hampshire/Dorset?
Mizter T wrote
accept Oyster (aka Philip's proprietary MiFare smartcards). IIRC the
DfT had agreed to fund work done by TfL to their Oyster readers on
ticket gates, on standalone validators (such as on the DLR) and on
buses to modify them so as to be able to read ITSO smartcards too -
this still on? If it is that still leaves questions open as to the
The new (English) National bus passes for Senior etc Citizens were
issued in Apr '08 on ITSO cards and is valid on Tfl buses so there will
be an immediate application for the modification. Similarly if Freedom
passes are re-issued in 2010 on ITSO cards they will be then fully
compatible with non-London English bus passes.
Mike D