TfL's new rapist minicab advert
On Sat, 27 Dec 2008, John Rowland wrote:
asdf wrote:
On Tue, 23 Dec 2008 04:48:17 -0800 (PST), John B wrote:
I see the rapist minicab driver is still white ... has Boris sacked
any of Ken's racist Labour cronies since he took office at all?
Are you a) actually incapable of thinking the above through; b)
unaware that racists traditionally stereotype black men as rapists;
or c) a racist who stereotypes black men as rapists? Because I can't
see any other explanation for why you'd even find this
The reason this is controversial is that almost everyone depicted in
TfL's publicity is black or Asian, *except* when they are some sort of
criminal (fare dodger, rapist, etc) in which case they are invariably
Thank you. Nice to see I'm not the only one still awake.
I don't deny that this is the case (i haven't checked - it might be, it
might not be), can i put my hand up as a white man and say i don't give
the slightest resemblance of a toss about this?
I'm happy for TfL (and the Department for Education and Whatever, in some
similar stock photo selection bias that my teacher aunt pointed out to me
over christmas) to stereotype me and my white brethren as any combination
of rapists, racists, or taxi drivers if they like, because it doesn't
actually make the blindest bit of difference to anything that actually
matters. We're not a group that's on the receiving end of discrimination -
nothing that actually does any harm, anyway. Black people are. They need
some gentle treatment in these matters. We don't.
Would you like to remember more?