New Pedestrian Crossings....
Cheeky wrote:
On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 19:28:11 +0000, Stuart
... they've all got the green man/red man lights next to the button
rather than in the traditional and logical place on the opposite
side of the road.
Anyone know why? It doesn't make much sense (especially the ones
near me where there are 2 sets of lights one slightly higher than
the other)
Apparently it's to prevent pedestrians panicking half-way acress the
road if the ped light changes from a green man to a red man!!
Ridiculous given that if you approach crossings from certain angles
you now often can't even see a light...
I still maintain that the damned things are dangerous. In crowds no-one can
see the indicator through the milling throngs. It only takes one person to
step out into the road, on a 'red man', and the sheep follow - it'll only be
a matter of time before a number of people get mown down. At the very least
there should be a repeater at or above head height, even if it is on the
same side of the road.