Heathrow third runway to get the go ahead
On 15 Jan, 12:18, Tony Polson wrote:
EE507 wrote:
The Tories can't decide whether they object to an expansion of airport
capacity on principle, or whether, as Boris says, it's just Heathrow
that is unsuitable. Rather like Labour didn't reverse rail
privatisation when they came to power, I suspect the Tories wouldn't
reverse any decision on Heathrow. Anyway, let's wait for the official
The Tories have already stated, unequivocally, that they will cancel any
planned third runway at Heathrow when (if) they get into power.
Boris Toffson's Thames Estuary Airport plan is something of an
embarrassment for the Tory party. *He is shaping up to be as much of a
thorn in the Tories' side as Ken Livingstone was in his party's.
I disagree with the simple picture you paint in your final comment. I
think the truth is somewhat more complex - Boris is neither a puppet
of the Conservative Central Office and leadership, but nor is he
anything quite like the renegade that Ken was (or at least was capable
of being). Recliner's point (in his separate reply to your post) about
him having ambitions beyond London should also be borne in mind.