Ghost bus makes the news
On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 02:15:46 -0800 (PST), Mizter T
A word of caution - perhaps I've painted too rosy a picture of it, I
only went on it once and I've never knowingly met anyone who commutes
on it. When I do seem it passing by it always seems well loaded though.
I don't think you did. The direct service and links to areas around
Norwood not well connected to rail stations are all factors in its
success. I have not seen it very often but when I have it clearly has
its regulars waiting at stops and has been well loaded.
I believe it was considered for withdrawal when the 68 / 468 was last
tendered out. When this was rumoured a minor riot broke out amongst
regular users whose ire was directed towards a building in the Victoria
Paul C