Mizter T wrote:
John Rowland wrote:
I note the West London Transport Strategy is alive and well, having
been updated in 2005 - it is a 'key programme' of the West London
Alliance, which is a joint initiative of six London Boroughs that
exists to promote West London. See:
2005 is a long time ago in politics - Hounslow (the 'lead borough' there
has changed hands and Hammersmith and Fulham are run by car-mad
slash-and-burn Thatcherites of the old school. Their recent attitude to
the WEZ 'consultation' rather shows their colours on transport, which is
roughly 'someone else can pay' and 'don't lets be beastly to the
motorist'. I can't see them being too keen on express bus clearways
carving up the streets. I'll not say it's definitely dead, but I
haven't seen it twitch recently.
However, if non-TfL west London transport initiatives are your bag, this
bunch have an update from December 08, which is recent enough to be
classed as alive, although obviously without TfL and Mayoral buy-in it
Ain't Gonna Happen (tm).
Executive summary: more walking and cycling, travel plans for businesses
and schools, cycle hire schemes in suburban centres, orbital bus/rail
routes (e.g. the 'West London Orbital' mini-Tube/DLR thing. This is
probably where the WLTS now resides), better bus/rail interchanges,
better bus services to attract people out of cars, better night
services, Heathrow third runway, Crossrail,
Keen readers will note that most of these were the policy of the
previous Mayor, a few are the policy of the current one and one is
firmly opposed by both.