In article
Mizter T writes
I wasn't really expecting you to jump at the chance of cycling on a
Brompton to Finchley Road!
Believe me, I didn't even consider it! I've commuted 13 miles each way
by bike before and those days are firmly in the past.
It doesn't jump out at me as an ideal
location to leave a regular bike locked up all day either.
I'd never leave a bike locked up outside all day - that's probably how
I've managed to hold on to my regular bike since I bought it in 1986,
and it has had almost daily commuting use in London.
Regarding Chiltern trains, in fact it appears that you *can* take a
regular bicycle on their trains in the contra-peak direction - i.e. in
your case that's against the predominant flow of people into London in
the morning and vice-versa in the evening.
I took my regular bike on Chiltern trains off-peak once before, though
the return leg on Sunday afternoon was as crushed as during peak time
and had all the ambience of a refugee camp on wheels.
If this possible commute becomes a reality, I'll check with station
staff about getting regular bikes on board peak time trains going
against the flow.
One other (slightly cheeky) possibility, should you wish to retain the
option of travelling on the Met line, is that you could cycle your
regular bike into Marylebone then leave it and lock it up there in the
safe cycle storage place
But part of the point of taking the bike is for the 1-mile stretch at
C&L end. I walked this in about 15 minutes, but it makes more sense to
cycle if I've already cycled to Baker Street.
, then either travel onward to C&L by Chiltern
train or alternatively by the Met line from Baker Street station which
is just around the corner (I'm not getting muddled this time, it
really is!).
I used to live between the two stations.
Thanks again.
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