LU redundancies
"Andrew Heenan" wrote in message
Chickens coming home to roost after all those unreasonable pay
settlements. Unfortunately it looks like the people who got those fat
pay rises arn't the ones who're going to suffer.
I wonder if the nasty little fascists will rejoice in others' redundancy
so much when they lose their own jobs.
But I suppose they don't work anyway ...
I don't work for TfL, because despite the 'unreasonable pay seettlements',
the pay is pretty bloody low - and TfL staff have to actually work, not
sit around looking at porn all day.
But I travel by TfL - and I don't rejoice that they are being targetted -
not least because travelling will get worse.
"When 'Do no Evil' has been understood, then learn the harder, braver
rule, Do Good." ~ Arthur Guiterman
Right so we have to put up with sky high fares, crap service, held to ransom
by strikes and now we have to feel sorry that some of them are losing their
I am rejoicing in them being made redundant, well I am out of work too but I
am, presumably, one of the lazy, overpaid, porn watching workers.