LU redundancies
In message , Zen83237
Yopu don't have to feel sory for anyone (except yourself, of course), but
to rejoice in others' misfortune (especially as it's 99.9999% certain they
had no responsibility for your whines), makes you pure scum.
But then, you knew that, didn't you?
Sorry should have read I am not rejoicing. But since you refer to me as
scum, I have never been on a days strike in my life, unlike the scum at
London Underground. As you support strikers I guess that makes you scum
as well.
As one of the 'scum' at LU, I can honestly say I've never yet been on
strike whilst I've been there (7 years and counting).
Steve Fitzgerald has now left the building.
You will find him in London's Docklands, E16, UK
(please use the reply to address for email)