Euston Station
In message , at
17:49:09 on Mon, 2 Feb 2009, Sam Wilson remarked:
When I came to the end of the platforms and the giant
statue I felt like some kind of intruder in a private place.
Yes, it almost feels like it's a bit of "backstage" that you've been let
into by accident. I know they probably wanted to keep the pub in the
corner in its original position, but the new pub is characterless (and a
reverse-Tardis inside) so it wasn't worth bothering.
They should have just had the Eurostar buffers at the end of the shed
and done something much more customer friendly with the west wall -
that's now the First Class Lounge and a very uninviting-from-the-outside
restaurant alongside the Champagne bar.
The latter is looking like turning into the Europe's longest White
Elephant, after a brief moment of pre-recession glory.
Roland Perry