Oyster sceptic.
"Tom Barry" wrote...
Andrew Heenan wrote:
"Tom Barry" wrote...
... The point of CiF is that you get all sorts of different opinions;
Thatcherite throatslashers, neocon Israeli apologists, PC do-gooders,
frothing feminists, eco-zealots... The great benefit of all this is
that it keeps a lot of morons happily flaming each other and off the
streets. I comment there quite a lot, of course.
Your secret is safe with us ;o)
I am Andrew Gilligan, and so's my wife.
At last count, London had a population of 7.9 million, 0.65 million of whom
were (or had been at some point) Andrew Giliagn.
In fact, one reason the Evening Standard has had to sell out to a Russion
zillionaire, is their huge wage bill - informed sources tell me that they
have 3,498 Andrew Gillian's on their books.
The Mayor's office employs nearly 27,952 more (according to a rumour I just
started). The rest are unemployed, and their immigrant status is under
And Marks & Spencer ("Your S&M") is only making a profit due to high sales
of socks for Andrew Gillington sock puppets.
*I'm* Andrew Gillihgan - I just have trouble spelling it.
PS - Isn't it weird that a man who was a national hero after the Dr. David
Kelly witch hunt has become a national joke?
Back to those choices we all make, I guess ;o)