Oyster sceptic.
"Mizter T" wrote ...
Just so long as you know that just because an outlandish
comment you may have made wasn't challenged doesn't
mean it is unchallengeable! ;-)
Fair point; In fact, I don't see some challenges to my points, because the
other joy of usenet is the killfile; Once a poster has convinced me they are
racist / overly pedantic / just plain nasty / think they own the group / , I
simply cease seeing their posts. So if they did (Heaven forbid) come up with
a constructive criticism, I'd probably never get to know. And they are
spared the tedium of me pointing out their shortcomings, too! Many, of
course, will have killfiled me, which is very sensible of them.
Frighteningly so, in fact!
Point is, usenet has no moderation, and so you have to decide what suits
*you* and arrange things accordingly.
I do attempt to distinguish between the innocent/ naive / ill informed and
the arrogant / stupid / ignorant, and I think we all have some kind of a
'duty' not to pick on folk who've done nothing wrong; that still leaves
plenty who have, and my pet hates are the bullies who think they own the
place - they are ALWAYS fair game, and I find it hard to resist that
And then of course, there are the the sensible, reasonable, intelligent
God Bless 'em!