OT - Google Earth - a journey through space and time
Mizter T wrote:
[Follow up to uk.media.tv.misc removed]
On 5 Feb, 01:39, "John Rowland"
John Rowland wrote:
Latest GE includes a partially detailed globe of Mars.
But even better, Earth now has a clock icon to accesses data sets
from different eras... so you can see what City Airport looked like
before and after the DLR was built.
Thanks, John.
I'm wondering about the famous censored blob north of Katwijk. If
you go back a few years you can get a proper image of it, but it
looked like just houses. Has something secret been built since, or
are they censoring houses?
Er, any particular reason to be discussing this with yourself (the
headers of the two posts suggests they are from the same source), or
have I merely lost my sense of humour, or should I not ask?
Sssssh, stop butting in.