On 6 Feb, 14:11, Roland Perry wrote:
In message
, at
05:21:02 on Fri, 6 Feb 2009, Mr Thant
In which case perhaps it's a bit optimistic to go round saying it'll
open in December?
Yeah, bloody optimists. String 'em up, I say.
Let's see what the horse has to say:
"The Northern Ticket Hall is forecast to be opened three months ahead
of schedule in December 2009."
We seem to be going round in circles here. If it's "that official" then
surely they can spill the beans in their newsletters?
You can be so ridiculous at times Roland, and this is one of those
times. One could say it's not official per-se, it's more of an
aspiration. Anyway what does "official" even actually mean?
The rationale being employed here is simple - why get people's hopes
up for something that might not actually happen?