[Subject line modified to omit typo]
martin wrote:
Being a bit of a schmuck for marketing, the snazzy Barclaycard ad with
the water slides got me onto their website. There, I discovered that
they do a version of the OnePulse credit card which gives 5% cashback
on all your TfL spending until the end of the year. Quite handy for
offsetting Boris's most recent fare increases.
The Barclaycard ad just made me want to go on a brilliant waterslide!
And I've also just received my last 16-25 Railcard (bought online just
before my 26th birthday; curiously it expires a few days after my 27th.)
That's quite peculiar. Did you buy it online, and is the start date
thus a bit delayed I wonder?
So now I want to put the two together, to get discounted Off-Peak Daily
Price Capping.
At the first two tube ticket offices I tried, I was told I'd need to
register my card first, and was handed a pink registration form. I
didn't quite see the need for this, as the card is already registered,
so took the form and said I'd fill it in later.
I assume that the Oyster element of the Barclaycard OnePulse card come
pre-registered, but I don't know that for sure - it's only logical
that it does. When you put your OnePulse card on a Tube touchscreen
ticket machine does it then state onscreen that 'you have presented a
*registered* Oyster card/OnePulse card' (as opposed to an unregistered
The third ticket office were fairly convinced that the discount
couldn't be applied to the OnePulse card, and said I'd need to get a
regular Oyster Card.
I can't see anything on the TfL or Barclaycard sites to suggest that
the Oyster part of a OnePulse card is any different from a standard
Oyster card, so while I wait the 7-10 days for the Oyster people to get
back to my email, I thought I'd see if anyone on u.t.l had successfully
managed this.
- martin
Do come back and report what they tell you, I'm intrigued about this.
I dare say it's possible that some ticket office staff are a bit wary
of the OnePulse card - they don't want to muck it up after all!
There does appear to be a workaround should you continue to be
frustrated in your efforts w.r.t. getting the Railcard discount loaded
on your OnePulse card, though I dare say you've though of it already.
Basically the 5% cashback offer applies to all "TfL spending" so if
you were to top-up another separate Oyster card (loaded with the
Railcard discount) using your OnePulse card then that would count
towards the cashback - so this would include Oyster topups done
online, by auto-topup or at a Tube station ticket office/ self-service
ticket machine.
The webpage for the "Barclaycard OnePulse Credit Card with Cashback"
is here...
....which in turn links to the T&Cs here...
Said T&Cs don't tie in the "TfL purchases" with making use of the
Oyster element of your OnePulse card - you could be buying Day
Travelcards or whatever. It does however say this:
"5. The following stations are excluded from the 5% TfL cashback
offer: All Docklands Light Rail (DLR), Heathrow Terminal 5, North
Wembley, South Kenton."
The DLR is dealt with under complex contractual arrangements hence the
exclusion; the ticket office and machines at Heathrow T5 are operated
by BAA's Heathrow Express, not TfL; and presumably North Wembley and
South Kenton station on the Bakerloo/ London Overground have some
legacy issues resulting from their transfer over from Silverlink to LU
I assume that collecting a topup or an auto-topup at these stations
would qualify for the cashback, as that's a transaction with the
central Oyster system as opposed to any local systems.