Can't the tube just go one day ...
"Andrew Heenan" wrote in message
"Edward Cowling London UK" wrote ...
Why keep an already over full train stood at the platform ? People get
stressed, LU staff get stressed, and you could tell the driver was
getting stressed.
Pointless jobsworth regulation doesn't help the public and it doesn't do
much good for LU staff.
regulation really isn't pointless - though it is not always successful and
could probably be managed much better.
While your train may be packed - and on time - the train behind may be
even more packed, meaning longer loading/unloading and so falling more
behind, thus meeting more and more full platforms and falling even more
behind ... etc.
But it would probably be better to spot the problem before five minutes
'regulation' was needed; a quiet word to the driver to dawdle by 15
seconds at each station would be smoother and much less in-yer-face and
An even better solution would be to run more trains - but the Picc has
another ten years before that happens - not just the extra trains, but the
signalling to go with it.
The Picc used to run 27 tph in the peaks, and I've never seen a credible
explanation of why they decided it was too difficult. Now that 24 tph
doesn't cope with passenger demand, they decided to slow down the timetable
to cover the increased dwell times, rather than run more trains. Makes
their life easier, but doesn't do a lot to provide a service that matches
Richard J.
(to email me, swap 'uk' and 'yon' in address)