How realistic is 'September 09' as a date for NR PAYG?
Paul Corfield wrote:
Now can anyone tell me what fare will be charged to go from Richmond
to Stratford (1) entirely by tube via Z1 (2) entirely by Overground
not via Z1 and (3) by tube and train via Z1 and using SWT from
Err it's OK you don't really have to answer it but it's the classic
problem case and surely represents the real nightmare that sits behind
trying to introduce a scheme like NR PAYG when no one is minded to
just have one overarching farescale. Another fun combination might
be Balham to Harrow and Wealdstone!
Well, at least the Balham end of the journey won't be too much of a
problem. Unlike Richmond, Stratford or H&W, Balham's NR and Tube are
totally seperate with their own gatelines. So "Balham (Northern)" and
"Balham (Southern)" can be in the PAYG system as two different stations
that just happen to have an OOSI between them.