The wrong type of receipt
On Sun, 8 Mar 2009, Paul Scott wrote:
MIG wrote:
No, although I don't quite understand the system for extending zones
beyond Greater London. Maybe it depends on when it happened, whether
PAYG existed at the time, whether PAYG is accepted etc; it seems to be
a bit of a mess.
For Watford and the Metropolitan (PAYG accepted) they created zones 7
to 9.
To be more precise, Watford Junction is not in the zonal system. It is
'beyond zone 8', but not in zone 9, according to the TfL and London
Connections maps. Only Amersham and Chesham are in zone 9, Watford Met is in
zone 7.
However Watford Junction does have a special PAYG fare, so it sets the
precedent for any other station that is just outside the zones, but
logically fits the PAYG scheme.
It's effectively in zone 10, really. It's just that there is no zone 10.
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless
enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as
though it had an underlying truth. -- Umberto Eco