Establishment politicians terrified as public demands BNP policy
On Mar 18, 8:54�am, "Stephen O'Connell" wrote:
Clive wrote:
What a load of BNP crap.
It's just crap full stop.
What is "crap" about this?
Why should my hard-earned taxes pay for any immigrant to come to this
Country (legally or otherwise) and live a lifestyle far above anything
he could have in his country of origin? And, why should anyone be
allowed to come from the E.U. (or anywhere else) and work, thus either
forcing (or enabling, depending which way you look at it) someone
else's unemployment - again at my expense?
And, I write as the son of two (lawful) immigrants, who never took a
penny in "benefits" during their combined stay of over 100 years in
the U.K.