Dr Zoidberg wrote:
"Doug" wrote in message ...
On 20 Mar, 15:17, (Steve Firth) wrote:
BrianW wrote:
Has anyone checked to see whether a certain address in Catford is on
One wonders what the purpose of the green box is? Perhaps we will be
told? It's also interesting to note that there seems to be a significant
time difference between the two images. One with scaffolding, one
Eagle eyed readers might spot a similarity between that street scene and
this one:
And between this:
Nice car BTW Duhg.
I have warned DB that you have published photos and the location of
his home on the internet, presumably as an aid to stalking him. I do
hope he takes appropriate action.
Talking about yourself in the third person is the sign of a ****
Maybe theres two types of third person? Or three types of second? Or
something... walks away muttering