Complusory Bus Stops
There is still often a chorus of dings, particularly on bendys,
because of a five-second gap between pressing and the ding. That
could eat up quite a lot of the stopping distance too.
The delay between pressing the button and the bell on the bendis is more
like 3 seconds, actually.
That delay has only been around a year or so, and I don't know why.
Earlier, the bell would ring as soon as you hit the button on all bendis.
But now, some bendis have the delay while others do not.
Anybody know why? Is this connected with iBus?
'm sure it is; on the bendies that still have toe 'old' sign as well, that
lights up silently when you press the bell - the ding follows with the ibus
Multiple dinging is no worse on the bendies than any others, on a ding per
50 passengers basis - I've just been dinged to death on a half empty 43 -
some people do it for entertainment, I reckon.
Surely there's a sign for the driver too? Mind you, the ones that are
selectively deaf are probably selectively blind, too. I've queried one
driver's aural health when he ignored me and another dinger - I think his
girlfriend was distracting him. He tried the 'you didn't ring in time' line,
but we'd rung in plenty of time.
Interviewer: Tonight I'm interviewing that famous nurse, Florence
Tommy Cooper (dressed as a nurse): Sir Florence Nightingale
Interviewer: *Sir* Florence Nightingale?
Tommy Cooper: I'm a Night Nurse
Campaign For The Real Tommy Cooper