On 22 Mar, 02:55, wrote:
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Question No: 1595 / 2008
Richard Barnbrook
Can the Mayor confirm how much funding he will be allocating to next
years St Georges Day celebrations in London?
Answer from the Mayor:
A GLA budget allocation of £100,000, the same as 2008, and subject to
approval, is currently projected for St George's Day celebrations in
So some reporter asked a question (6 months ago), and was told that
money will be spent next year, as it was last year. How does this mean
said reported forced Boris' hand?
Ahh that would explain it
The move follows a series of incidents in recent years in which people
have been banned from displaying the English flag on the grounds that
it is racist and could offend Muslims because of St George’s
association with the Crusades.
{citation needed}