Still can't get used to seeing trains with pantographs at Shortlands
On Mon, 23 Mar 2009 04:05:05 -0700 (PDT), Mizter T
I see the LDB service can't quite handle the jointly operated FCC/
Southeastern Kentish Town to Sevenaoaks service - northbound they are
labelled as Southeastern, southbound as FCC. Not sure that it actually
matters that much, though as with any inaccurate information it's a
potential source of passenger confusion.
Like the "London Midland Southern" service that's going on at the
moment? Fortunately I am yet to see one with the PIS unset, unlike
the northbound ones from Euston which seem to prefer to show "Desiro"
than anything else. And I suppose it being a 4-car set is a giveaway
in the peak, but then again it could be a short-formation...
Neil Williams
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