Google puts (some of) Britain on the map
Adrian wrote:
AdeV gurgled happily, sounding much like they
were saying:
Guess what single activity they condemned the most?
Retired people living alone at a distance from their family, hence
using up resources that could be used by an entire family. Monbio
claimed that old people living alone consume vastly more than their
fair share of resources. That sounds just like someone we know and
barely tolerate.
Indeed so. But I've no doubt that he has an *excellent* excuse for
living on his own in a 3-bed semi with single-glazed wooden-framed
windows. Unless he actually lives in the box on the driveway, presumably
to the disgust of the real occupants of 119...
Those windows really could do with a coat of paint, couldn't they?
And putty. I refuse to believe Duhg's claims about having converted that
place into an eco-home. The draught through the rotting windows must
strip the heat from the house.