Massive Airport expansion announced
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 03:06:13 -0000, nightjar wrote:
The majority of whom would have been born after it was built, so it has been
there longer than they have.
I live under the proposed third runway flightpath, at present I cannot hear
a single plane. How could I have guessed that a 3rd runway was on the
cards, especially when the 5th terminal inspector placed a flight cap on
the airport?
Not that it matters, as BAA can never meet the NOX limits. Even with super
clean planes behind current technical abilities, they will blow the figure
on cars travelling to the airport alone. Unless they can persuade everyone
to take a bus (ho ho ho) they don't stand a chance, Heathrow will become
very unpopular fast when it costs £10 to go down the M4 spur.
Of course given the number of Labour MP's in the West London area you might
think the government already knew this.