Broad Street station
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Nick Catford seems to have added a shed load more photos of broad street
as was. Quite interesting not just for the railway itself but because you
can see the slow change in the City as the towers go up during the 70s.
If Broad street was still open today would it be a useful way of relieving
passenger and train congestion on other lines and termini? I assume when
was demonlished it wasn't serving much useful purpose but then back then
the city had less people working in it. Would they be able to get away
demolishing it today?
Broad Street was a useless station because the only lines that could run to
it were Richmond and Watford. It took up far too much space for the small
number of people that arrived there.
When they demolished it, they routed the Richmond trains to Stratford (and
later to N Woolwich) to create the "modern NLL and built the Graham Road
curve (into LST) for the rush hour only Watford services. After a few years
they gave up with the latter.
Before the Richmond services were diverted to Stratford, there was no
service on this part of the line
So yes, they could close it now!