In reply to news post, which Dave Newt
wrote on Wed, 17 Dec 2003
Craig Poxon wrote:
Has anyone been using London Underground's Online Customer Charter Refund
Form at
I first started using it for a claim on the 27th of October and was issued a
reference number in the low 10000s.Yesterday I received a form from Customer
Services saying they are unable to process my claim "with the details
provided" and are asking me to supply time of delay, journey start station,
journey end station and occurance of delay. In fact, I received 3 forms;
Yes - me too. (All of the above.)
I received a request for more details about a journey of 12/11/03 - I
was not going to bother to respond since I can't remember what the
problem was, but if everyone else is having the same issues I will
pursue it
Matthew P Jones -
My view of the Metropolitan Line - actually I like it
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