Is the teacup necessary?
On 7 Apr, 10:49, Mr Thant
The whole reason the Circle Line exists is to provide a fast
convenient service for passengers passing through exactly those
locations. If you timetable 5 minutes plus of recovery time (which is
what the teacup plan will allow at Edgware Road), you might as well
not bother running it.
When thinking about this exact issue, the solution I settled on was
four termini, N/S/E/W for the Circle, with overlapping services
running between the opposite termini.
* Kings X - Blackfriars via Aldgate
* Aldgate - Notting Hill Gate via Blackfriars
* Kings X - Blackfriars via Notting Hill Gate
* Aldgate - Notting Hill Gate via Kings X
....that gives you a direct service from wherever you are to wherever
you want to go, with plenty of opportunities for recovery. The
stations needn't be those given, they're just for illustration of the