Cyclists allowed to run red lights?
Adrian wrote:
"Brimstone" gurgled happily, sounding
much like they were saying:
That may or may not be the case down south. However, in this
country the figures I have seen indicated that this was not the
Umm, you're in the same country I am - and by "down south", I
presume you're meaning the portion of that country which houses
somewhere more than 90% of the population of the country?
Errrr, not if he's in Edinburgh. That's in a different country to
where you say you live (somewhere on the outer reaches of the (sadly
truncated) Metropolitan Railway IIRC).
Funny. I thought both were definitely in the United Kingdom.
They are, but Sotland and England are different countries. The clue is in
the the fact that they have different names and different legal structures.