Cyclists allowed to run red lights?
Marz gurgled happily, sounding much like they
were saying:
You claimed that you would only jump a red light if it was "quiet". If
there are pedestrians on the crossing then by definition it's not
quiet. Either way your mutually contradictory statements make you a
Quiet doesn't have to mean empty.
Ah. So you freely admit that you will cycle across a pedestrian crossing
- and you've previously used the figure of 20mph - even if it's in use by
pedestrians at the time, as long as you deem it to be "quiet".
Does "quiet" mean that there's just about space to get through between
Fine, I'll avoid comparisons to drivers.
I won't.
Anybody who, whilst in charge of ANY vehicle, goes through a red light is
- at best - not ****ing looking.
If they do so _deliberately_, in the full knowledge that it's red and
that there's pedestrians on the crossing, then they should be charged
with dangerous driving. Not careless driving.
If they then boast about and try to justify it, then they're a prize ****
of the highest order.