Cyclists allowed to run red lights?
thaksin gurgled happily, sounding much like they
were saying:
Conversely, I've _never_ seen, and dont ever remember even _hearing
of_, a "lynch mob" exacting retribution from an errant cyclist
waves I have. Kinda.
Baker St, London - some arrogant ****bubble tried to go tonking at
undiminished speed through red lights and across a pedestrian crossing.
Except it was a bit full of pedestrians. One of whom, a largish chap -
straight-armed the ****wit. Once Marz untangled himself from his bicycle
and got up, he came charging into the crowd swinging at anybody and
everybody whilst hurling abuse.
As the plastic plods came running, I had the great and personal pleasure
of telling one of them exactly what had precipitated the incident.
He was last seen on the pavement being sat on by one of them whilst the
other handcuffed him. Much chuckling was heard.