Those protesters again - London stopped - who can we sue?
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 05:02:16 -0700 (PDT)
Mizter T wrote:
Who gives a stuff what happens on an island 5000 miles away? If the
protesters are all so concerned about the place why don't they fly
over there and help sort it out instead of causing a nuisance here
and demand our govenrment "do something"? Do what exactly? Send the
gunboats to Columbo? Fscking idiots.
I give a stuff.
So paint yourself a trendy banner, book a flight over there and campaign
in front of the sri lankan government building. Be prepared to be badly
beaten up by the majority sinhalese however who've had to put up with
over 30 years of terrorist atrocities from the tamil tigers that all these
fsck witted bleeding heart tamils on the front lawn of westminster are sobbing