Ian Jelf wrote:
I was about to mention Charleroi. A perfect example of the original
point. It's the equivalent of having something on the scale of the
Tyne & Wear Metro inserted into somewhere like Reading.
It was largely built, as Boltar says, for political reasons. The
Flemish North had a light metro (as the Walloons saw it, anyway) in
Antwerp, so the Walloon South had to have something the same.
It's a long trine since I've been but the **vastly** over engineered
and little used infrastructure was incredible. (Mind you, Gent
built an extension for a proposed housing area that never
materialised and which terminated in a no-mans-land beneath a
motorway for years. I understand that it's been abandoned now.)
Closer to home, Sheffield's tram network has a branch to serve a high-rise
housing estate which was demolished while the tramway was under
Speaking of underused infrastructure in Sheffield, what happened here?
And of course, even closer to home we have the Finsbury Park to Highgate
line, electrified but never served by an electric passenger train.