Buggy On Bus Discrimination Claim
In message
, at
09:23:48 on Thu, 30 Apr 2009, Mizter T remarked:
Mr Perry resides in Nottingham where - like much the rest of the
country - buses only have front doors,
Yes. There are a few bendy-busses with two (not three) sets of doors;
but they don't run on routes that I use.
and he doesn't use buses when in London (I think he's missing a trick
or two but that's another discussion!).
I make do with a combination of tube and walking. Most of my trips are a
one-off, and it's simply too difficult to work out which of 15 bus stops
within a quarter mile radius is the one for the bus I want. Even worse
working out where to get off.
If they still had a platform at the back - I'd be jumping on and off
them like good'un.
Roland Perry