On May 2, 12:42�pm, Lemuel wrote:
Richard J. wrote on Sat, 2 May 2009:
I am amazed that these changes have been made to an established
typeface which has so much exposure to the general public. �Presumably
the new designs will only appear on new signs and publications, so for
the forseeable future the superseded designs will still be on show all
over the network.
I know little of these things, but it looks to me as if they may, for
reasons unknown, have switched to 'ITC Johnston':http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnsto...m/charmap.html
Lemming, I'm not sure that you are right, since the L.T. document
referred to above has, for example, full-stops etc. as diamond-shaped
rather than squares as shown on the ITC Johnston page you quote.