John Rowland wrote on 04 May
2009 01:46:20 ...
Tom Anderson wrote:
"However, according to research by regulator Ofcom in February 2005, only
13% of respondents identified the code for London correctly without
prompting: 59% incorrectly identified it as 0207 or 0208."
What annoys me is when you give office staff your phone number correctly and
they then read it back to you as "0208... ". I think Ofcom should run an ad
campaign "If you say 0207 or 0208 in a phone number, you are an idiot." What
have they got to lose? Ofcom is a monopoly. It can offend people without
losing anything.
Is this discussion meant to have some relevance to New Johnston?
Richard J.
(to email me, swap 'uk' and 'yon' in address)