Sense seen on Crossrail at last?
Richard J. wrote:
Paul Scott wrote on 05 May 2009
16:56:45 ...
However there is a similar debate about whether or not it should be
Heathrow Express or Connect that runs through onto Crossrail - it
seems to hinge on the lack of capacity and conflicting moves
required on the crossovers from main to relief running lines?
Is there such a debate? Crossrail have been saying for years that
Crossrail would replace Connect and that HEx would continue to run.
They've planned the changes to Airport Junction to achieve this.
However, it wouldn't surprise me if a debate had been re-opened.
Not an official debate. But a remarkable number of contributors here are
convinced that HEx cannot continue as is with Crossrail. However my own
understanding is the same as yours, ie I've read the Crossrail rationale...
Paul S