On May 6, 1:43*pm, Tony Polson wrote:
Mizter T wrote:
Of course it's all very academic if there's nowhere to park at
Hillingdon! I dunno what the side streets are like nearby Hillingdon
station and if parking is allowed there - unlike lots of other London
borough websites, Hillingdon council don't provide any details of
where there are controlled parking zones in their borough so I can't
tell from that.
There are only 283 car parking spaces, which soon fill up. *It was
inadequate from the day it opened in 1992.
Parking on-street at Hillingdon station is difficult. *The A40
improvement that by-passed Hillingdon Circus, and incorporated the
construction of the new and rather high tech (for its time) Hillingdon
station, effectively marooned said station on an island between two dual
carriageway roads.
East and west of the station, on-street parking is prohibited. *To the
north there is a sea of yellow lines and residents-only parking. *To the
south, there is only time limited parking at Hillingdon Circus (for the
shops) and it is some distance before the parking becomes unrestricted.
There is strong demand for this unrestricted parking because of the
inadequacy of the car park at Hillingdon station.
On trips to London I have tried using Hillingdon several times and have
never managed to get a parking there.*[...]
Thanks for the info - I'll happily defer to your greater experience of
trying to do this. My Hillingdon suggestion evidently wasn't a very
good one then! Passing it when going along the A40, Hillingdon station
seems like an obvious candidate, but it's obviously not - that's what
comes from knowing what's out there but never having actually tried to
make use of it!
[...] I usually drive to Amersham and
take Chiltern to either Harrow-on-the-Hill or Mar-lee-bone and the
Underground from either of those. [...]
I see from the TfL website that it's not an LU car park... so I've
just checked the Chiltern DC website and voila, all the requisite info
is there (680 spaces, £5 maximum cost for a day's parking):
I'm guessing there's always a space?
I suppose another advantage of Amersham is that the fares are cheaper,
as LU fares apply including on Chiltern Railways.
[...]*But I have also driven a few times to
North Ealing station (Piccadilly Line) where you can usually get a space
in the car park by early afternoon. *I didn't suggest North Ealing
because, if you cannot find a parking space, the alternatives are not
easy if you don't know the area. *I used to live in Ealing, so I know it
quite well.
The magic of local knowledge!