Park and train in/near West London
On May 6, 2:29*pm, Tony Polson wrote:
Mizter T wrote:
Thanks for the info, that's certainly useful to know. Coming into
central London it's obviously dependent on whether or not there's any
free seats on board but as both Oxford Tube and Oxford Espress stop
there then you'd not have to wait long before another coach came
But pointless if you cannot find anywhere to park.
Of course. As I've just posted downthread, I'll happily defer to your
wisdom on this one!
I think I was simply mildly intrigued by the slight curiosity of being
able to catch one of these coach services from Hillingdon into town.
Occasionally knowing about such transport oddities might even be
And I do wonder if local residents make use of it at all - it could
actually be useful for them.