Park and train in/near West London
In message
, at
05:29:04 on Wed, 6 May 2009, Mizter T remarked:
if you're coming west along the A40 and
want to head south to Marble Arch / Park Lane and beyond, one should
pretty much always take the so-called "Paddington slip" off the A40
(which IIRC is signposted "Ring Road South"). Once you're off the road
here it's a question of whether you continue direct along Westbourne
Terrace to Lancaster Gate (though the CC zone) or otherwise travel via
Edgware Road, which is a 'free road' that cuts through the CC zone, as
is Park Lane and the whole of the Inner Ring Road.
I'd forgotten about the congestion zone - shows how often I drive in
London (must be about seven years since I drove inside the zone, and
five years since I've driven inside the M25).
Roland Perry