A living bridge
On Thu, 7 May 2009, Batman55 wrote:
"Tom Anderson" wrote in message
Perhaps the right solution is just to build a deck on top of an
existing railway bridge - they have well-defined height needs, and so
can safely be built on, and wouldn't really suffer from having things
on top, since trains don't have sunroofs. Blackfriars bridge would be
the obvious one, linking the south bank and the edge of the City.
Waterloo bridge is even better located, but already has those
footbridges. Cannon Street bridge is the widest (although perhaps not
wider then Blackfriars after it's widened), which would be good, is
really well located for posh flats near the City, and you've at least
got Borough at the south end.
I believe most of the rail bridges show an unfortunate tendency to sink
into the clay, hence the removal of some tracks and sidings over the
years. Dumping more buildings on top might not be ideal!
On the contrary, it's a cheap way to build underground railway lines!
When I see a man on a bicycle I have hope for the human race. --
H. G. Wells