A living bridge
Tom Anderson wrote:
On Thu, 7 May 2009, John Rowland wrote:
John Rowland wrote:
I sent two single sides of A4 to Boris at the beginning of February,
snip Another month has now passed, and I have still had no reply
from either letter.
Bizarrely, 7 minutes after I posted the above, I received an emailed
reply from London Buses to my letter! Much of it is about preventing
crime and looks cut and pasted. It doesn't even mention the other two
problems which my idea was supposed to address, and it doesn't
attempt to suggest that my idea is a bad one. Just the usual "Since
we didn't invent it, it can't be a good idea". Why are people who
work in transport so stationary?
Probably because your letters never got anywhere near anyone who was
actually in any kind of position to do anything about them.
I sent them to Boris!