Bus Route 328 - where does it go to?
On May 15, 9:47*am, Stephen Richards
Why do you imagine anyone from TfL responsible for bus blinds, bus maps,
bus stop legends and I-Bus would comment on here or even read your
because there seems to be a lot of bus company / tfl employees posting here?
* post comments here twice
the first posting has vanished - but if you can still see it, then it
means you've got a better news supplier than me.
Anyway, thanks for your help. *Very constructive.
I've also been mystified by this, the World's End is a very visible
landmark on the Kings Road (Google Streetview it - if you stand at the
end of Langton St, SW10, it's almost opposite you. The Magpie and
Stump, however, seems to be a pub which was located in Cheyne Walk in
the 19th century. I don't know the area well enough to say, but it
doesn't seem a very useful destination for a bus!
Towards Chelsea, the bus makes its final stop in Kings Road just after
the World's End, but it then takes a left into Hobury St and two
rights, waiting in Limerston St where it makes its first stop towards
Golders Green. So while Limerston St is a useful departure point, and
World's End is a useful arrival point, I have no idea where the Magpie
and Stump came from..