Taking a bike from London Bridge to Hither Green on a thursdayevening?
On May 14, 1:00*pm, Tom Anderson wrote:
On Thu, 14 May 2009, Alistair Bell wrote:
But with all that said, I'd be tempted to just leave the bike at Hither
Green (or Lewisham) station in the morning. Or just not cycle that day.
I don't understand this idea - which morning? Are you suggesting i should
have cycled there this morning (from Finsbury Park) before work, then got
the train from there to work today, and then back again this evening,
followed by riding back to Finsbury Park tonight?
Pretty much, yes. Of course, you didn't tell us where you were
starting from. (And it's not like Fin Park is the back of beyond.)
Personally, I'd probably have just left the bike at home.