Crossrail under way
On May 15, 11:58*pm, "Richard J." wrote:
Paul Scott wrote on 15 May 2009
19:38:46 ...
I see from the Crossrail site they are now referring to the station as
'Canary Wharf' and no longer 'Isle of Dogs'.
The press release *for today's announcement refers to "the renamed
Canary Wharf station".
Boo! I far preferred it being named Isle of Dogs, it was an antidote
against all the slick presentation. Calling it Canary Wharf is just
boring. Unless the canaries come back.
Is there any detail available yet about direct interchange between the DLR
and Crossrail here - it is the DLR station at West India Quay that is
immediately above, so could there yet be some renaming of existing stations?
The WIQ/Crossrail positioning is roughly a mirror image of that for
Heron Quays / Jubilee Line. *WIQ will probably be slightly nearer that
DLR Canary Wharf, but not much.
Yes, West India Quay DLR will likely provide the slightly less fussy
route from the Crossrail station. No "direct interchange" as such, but
more or less as good as that.
Or will they stick with three totally separate Canary Wharf stations, and
have a pretty confusing set of 'outerchanges'?
Probably. *Do you have a better naming plan?
Canary Wharf Gone To The Dogs? Canary Wharf Taxpayers entrance? Canary
Woof? Insert Money Here? Canary Wharf (Doghouse)? Canary Wharf: Set
the Dog Amongst the Finches? Thatcherville? The Old Lady of Finchley
Wharf? We Used To Make Stuff, Y'Know? Stepney Marsh?